Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
On left (θ, φ)-derivations of prime rings
On left (θ, φ)-derivations of prime rings
Subject : Mathematics 
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Let R be a 2-torsion free prime ring. Suppose that θ, φ are automorphisms of R. In the present paper it is established that if R admits a nonzero Jordan left (θ,θ)-derivation, then R is commutative. Further, as an application of this resul it is shown that every Jordan left (θ,θ)-derivation on R is a left (θ,θ)-derivation on R. Finally, in case of an arbitrary prime ring it is proved that if R admits a left (θ, φ)-derivation which acts also as a homomorphism (resp. anti-homomorphism) on a nonzero ideal of R, then d = 0 on R. 
ISSN : 0044-8753 
Journal Name : Archivum Mathematicum 
Volume : 41 
Issue Number : 2 
Publishing Year : 1426 AH
2005 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Saturday, December 31, 2011 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد أشرفAshraf, Mohammad


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