Director of Girls Campus
Untitled 1

Sarah Olyan Alotaibi
bulding 7, first Flore , Room number 66
To thank God, the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace to our Lord Muhammad, and to pray Muhammad and to all his companions.
The department of the Faculty of Science is a major and pivotal department as it is one of the most important departments in the system of different sectors of the university and the largest in terms of the number of students attending it where the number of female students is about (10,000) about ( 10,000) students.
It is the largest department in the volume of work issued and received from it and is responsible for the application of the regulations and regulations of the university and follow-up decisions and circulars issued by the various entities with competence and work to apply them honestly and honestly, and provide services to all employees and faculty members in the college.
Its tasks include pursuing the implementation of various administrative work procedures, renewing the annual contracts of contractors and exit and exit visas, and following up on the issuance of promotion decisions, folding the restrictions and financial benefits of the new contractors, and many other works that cannot be counted.
The department of the Faculty of Science also seeks to achieve the goals of the faculty:
To raise the level of the college by achieving excellence in the performance of the work.
To increase the productive efficiency of the employee at the college level through continuous training.
Ensure that administrative and financial transactions are completed without mistakes.
Encourage female employees to work on the same team.
Continuous improvement and development of work, creativity and innovation.
I ask God for success and success,
Last Update
10/1/2020 8:46:35 AM