Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Inhibitory Effect of some Plant Extracts on Staphylococcus aureus Strains Isolated from Clinical Specimens
التأثير المثبط لمستخلصات بعض النباتات على سلالات من المكورات العنقودية الذهبية المعزولة من عينات مرضية
Subject : Biological 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : In view of the increasing incidence of multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (Staph. aureus ) strains , the aim of the present study was to find antibacterial agents as an alternative therapy to the antibiotics which had become ineffective against many strains of Staph. aureus. Accordingly, extracts of some plants were tested for their inhibitory effect against 70 strains of Staph. aureus. The plant extracts were prepared by using a simple method of extraction namely: boiling (aqueous extraction).The following plants were tested : pomegranate rind, green tea leaves, guava leaves, cinnamon bark and raspberry fruits. The extracts of the tested plants gave inhibitory results; however, significant differences were noted when 50 fusidic acid Staph. aureus strains were tested . Pomegranate rind gave the highest average inhibition zone (24.7 mm), followed by green tea leaves (23.5 mm), whereas guava leaves gave an average inhibitory zone of 15.3 mm. Finally , cinnamon bark and raspberry fruits yielded almost similar inhibition zones in which the average of the inhibition zones were 13.2 mm and 13 mm respectively when the concentration of the extracted plants was 83.33mgm./ml. for each plant extract . The present results may suggest the possibility of using such plant extracts as an alternative therapy to the ineffective antibiotics. 
Supervisor : Dr. Rajaa Mahmoud Milyani 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1426 AH
2005 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, June 11, 2008 


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ناهد عبدالعزيز عشيAche, Nahed AbdulazizResearcherMaster 


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