Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Man's role in environmental damage comparative study between the Maltese and fever had been damaged by other rights.
دور الإنسان في الإضرار بالبيئة دراسة مقارنة بين حمى الماطوة وأخرى تضررت بفعل الإنسان.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The research aims to Calendar Field Services Press Information actual offered by information centers journalist in the western region of Saudi Arabia for their employees, in the light of developments and changes and developments in information technology that followed proportions variety related to quantity and quality, shape, time and place that provides the information. No longer limits the information, and is at hand in any quantity and at any level and in any manner at any time and any place which makes it imperative to answer the many questions such as: press information centers prepared for these developments? What are the plans and policies developed for that? Do you have benefited from the information center of electronic information sources? What aspects of benefit? Is the relationship between the information center and the Internet connection or integration of dependency or aversion? As well as the research aims to track international efforts in the field of standards and techniques for information services in the centers of information releases, and inventory and the definition of Arab and foreign sites on the Internet that relate to the work of the journalist. This has been the preparation of a questionnaire to survey the opinions of journalists and officials about the information services and the degree to fulfill the needs of beneficiaries, and the potential for development in the light of the true wishes of the information to the beneficiaries. 
Publishing Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1422 AH
2002 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
عبدالله صالح عيسىeissa, abdullah salehInvestigatorDoctorate 


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 30887.docx docx 

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