Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
The role of the private sector and government in raising the skills level of Saudi Arabia.
دور القطاع الخاص والحكومي في رفع مستوى المهارات السعودية.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Address the research presented study thermal interactions in the system of graphite - hematite in the air, using methods of thermal decomposition Aloazothermah weighted and dynamic. Having examined the effects of changing the composition of each of the Anih, gamma irradiation or cobalt - 60, or Tadmam hematite (lithium or copper ions) on the kinetics of thermal reactions in this system, and discussed all the results. Radiation dose was estimated using the standard dose Frick, as calculated dose rates in the different samples after the work of the appropriate corrections. And conducted tests on mixtures of radioactive and non-radioactive Oazothermah under conditions of kinetic and dynamic. As has been the work of kinetic measurements on samples Almadmma. The results were discussed to identify the effect of irradiation or Altadmam or changing the composition of the sample on the interactive system of graphite-hematite, and as interactive in this system depends mainly on the interaction of transformed graphite to carbon monoxide, has been analyzing the results of kinetic Alaazothermah and dynamic samples of radioactive or Almadmma compared to untreated samples or Altadmam irradiation. Has used 12 cycle kinetics in the analysis of kinetic Aloazotherma, it was noted that the model of the interactions that are governed by the limits of phase in three dimensions, or governed by the law of the first level gives the highest correlation coefficient and it is not easy to find a model motor and one describes the interactions heat the air in the system of graphite - hematite over the total interaction. The results affected by change on the interactive installation, to increase the proportion of graphite in the sample, increase the proportion of hematite reductive. The study showed the dynamic thermal gravimetric analysis that the temperature of the sample, and the rate of reactions depends on the thermal structure Anih. It turns out that radiation generally leads to lower activation energy and the interaction coefficient of frequency, it was noted that the time of completion of half the interaction coefficient and frequency, it was noted that the completion of half the interaction decreases significantly increase the dose and the high temperature of the reaction mixture at the conditions described. The results of the samples Almadmma oxide or lithium copper oxide, that Altadmam have a clear impact on the results of kinetic interactions, thermal, has been observed that Altadmam oxide lithium leads to a reduction in both energy Alchit and coefficient of frequency, while Altadmam oxide copper does not affect the activation energy, but increases the coefficient of frequency. It was also noted that Altadmam leads to a reduction half reaction time is completed and that the effect is significant in the case of copper oxide Altadmam. 
Publishing Year : 1410 AH
1990 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1410 AH
1990 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
خالد عبدالرحيم ميمنىmaimani, khaled abdulrahimInvestigatorDoctorate 


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