Document Details

Document Type : Project 
Document Title :
Serum lipid levels in the testes of mice that suffer from a lack of zinc.
مستويات الدهون في مصل وخصي الفئران التي تعاني من نقص الزنك.
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This study aims to determine the impact of zinc deficiency on the concentration of fat in the blood serum and the two liver, testes in mice. Thus they are subject to a group of mice a diet containing a small amount of zinc, another group has their own food on the quantity limit of zinc for a period of eight weeks and then these two groups were compared with a officer and placed under natural food. Observed in the results there is no statistically significant change in the concentration of glycerol and three low-fat, high-density in the serum of mice on a diet that contains a small amount of zinc compared to the control group. While it found a statistically significant increase in the concentration of both total cholesterol and fat and high-density Alphusvoulibdat the group of mice a diet containing marginal amount of zinc and low concentration of glycerol has a tripartite group compared to controls. Also did not note the presence of a statistically significant change in the concentration of LDL in this group compared to controls. Results also showed the presence of a statistically significant decrease in the concentration of glycerol and three Alphusvoulibdat in the liver and testicles of mice that contain their own food to limit the amount of zinc compared to the control group. As noted there is a statistically significant decrease in the concentration of total cholesterol in the liver of the group of mice that contains the diet on the amount of marginal zinc, while there was no change in focus in the castrated group of mice that contain their own food on a small amount of zinc, the group that contains the diet on the amount of marginal it compared to the control group. This has shown the results of this study that the change in the concentration of fat in the serum of mice that contains the diet on the amount of marginal zinc was the result of a change in the concentration of fat In both the liver and testicles of rats of this group. These results need further study to determine the mechanical effect by which zinc deficiency on the metabolism of fat in various tissues of the relationship. 
Publishing Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Sponsor Name : kau 
Sponsorship Year : 1420 AH
2000 AD
Added Date : Wednesday, April 30, 2008 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
زهير محمد المرزوقيalmarzogi, zuhair mohammedInvestigatorDoctorate 


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