Vice Dean for Development



Faculty of Science Vice Deanship for Development seeks to cope with the accelerating changes in our country and the world. A challenging mission requires the development of the vision, strategies and goals that meet the aspirations of the Faculty of Science to improve the quality of its educational outcomes, which are in line with the strategic plan of King Abdulaziz University and the Kingdom's 2030 vision. The Vice Deanship for Development and its affiliated units collaborate to improve the educational quality by focusing on obtaining the national accreditation (NCAAA) and international accreditation, such as (ABET) and encouraging our enthusiastic faculty members in all departments to update and improve their academic programs matching the international universities'. In addition, the Vice Deanship for Development supports scientific departments to obtain professional accreditations for selected laboratories reflecting the improvement in the outputs of the educational process and raising the efficiency of the skill for all Faculty graduates. Our approach maintains the compatibility requirements of the labor market now and in the future.


Last Update
9/29/2020 11:56:17 AM